The role of Homeopathy in Indigestion & Constipation

The role of Homeopathy in Indigestion & Constipation

Best homeopathy treatment in Hyderabad is worth trying as it is very effective and reliable. Patients do prefer homeopathy as it is safe and has no side- effects.

Homeopathy is useful to treat indigestion as well as constipation. Patients find it very beneficial.

Indigestion : 

Indigestion is also known as dyspepsia, which happens to be  a general term for pain or discomfort  that occurs in the stomach and chest and for other various gastric as well as intestinal disturbances. Best homeopathy treatment in Hyderabad can be had to cope up with indigestion and constipation.

Symptoms of Indigestion :

Heartburn :  

This is a term used when acid moves up from one’s stomach into the esophagus and  then causes a burning pain behind the sternum as well as at the level of the heart.


Burning in the stomach or upper abdomen on account of excessive acid formation.

1.   Abdominal pain

2.   Problem  of   bloating  or  even flatulence

3.   Health Issues such as belching cum as gas formation

4.   A  person  coping  up with nausea cum vomiting

5.   Problem of suffering  from acidic taste in one’s mouth

6.   Sour water comes in one’s mouth

Causes of Indigestion :

People of all ages as well as of both sexes are affected by indigestion which is a common occurrence. An individual is at risk due to excessive alcohol consumption as well as cigarette smoking.

The role of Homeopathy in Indigestion & Constipation

Eating too much, eating too fast, eating high-fat foods, or eating during stressful situations

Certain drugs  that can irritate the stomach, such as aspirin and other pain relievers, Estrogen and oral contraceptives, medications as well as certain antibiotics.

Emotional problems, such as anxiety or depression

Other health issues related to indigestion :

1. Problem of  ulcers of stomach
2.  Liver   disorder
3. Stomach   infections  
4.  Irritable bowel  syndrome
5.   Chronic pancreatitis
6. Thyroid disease
7. Pregnancy& Thyroid medicines

Best homeopathy treatment in Hyderabad is worth trying to get rid of constipation and indigestion.

The role of Homoeopathy in indigestion & Constipation :

Homeopathy has   indeed   a cure for both Liver disorder and digestive problems. It does deal with the root cause of the digestive disorders and eliminates the problem. It is  in  fact  does work by treating the underlying cause and not just the symptoms. The treatment is rather  gentle and the relief obtained is usually of  long term nature.

There are several homoeopathic medicines that  do have the potential to cure Indigestion & Constipation. Out of them, few  that can be tried no doubt are Carduus, Chelidonium, Nux vomica, Carbo veg, Sulphur, Hydrastis, Magnesium Mur., Alumina, Lycopodium, Sulphur etc

Gas off Tablet  For Gas, Flatulence, Constipation and Indigestion – It is a therapeutically well formulated homoeopathic medicine for Gas and Indigestion. It also does give relief in Colitis, Constipation, pain in Lower abdomen, excessive gas formation, Flatulence etc.

Magnesium hydroxide 1X: Its osmotic force  that draws fluids into the intestinal lumen, distends the bowel, stimulates colonic nerves, and helps in inducing peristalsis, thus providing much relief relieves constipation.

Bismuth carbonicum 6X:  It kills harmful bacteria,  and also reduces intestinal inflammation. It also acts as an internal deodorant to treat malodor from flatulence as well as faeces.

Natrum bicarbonicum 6X:  it helps in dispeling painful gas in cases of indigestion as well as flatulence.

Carica papaya 6X:  This helps to cope up with habitual constipation, dyspepsia, and intestinal irritation.

Lycopodium clavatum 3X:  It does strengthens one’s digestive system & liver relieving bloating as well as flatulence after eating late in the night or fatty meals.

One has access to best homeopathy treatment in Hyderabad. This form of treatment has proved well and many patients have benefitted a lot. Homeopathy is considered to be safe as it has no side-effects.


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