Hi Alekhya garu, Psoriasis is a common skin condition that changes the life cycle of skin cells. Psoriasis causes cells to build up rapidly on the surface…

Hi Suryakumar garu, changes of seasons are not only the causative factor for seasonal allergies. The immune system works continuously to protect the body from potentially dangerous…

Hi Prakash garu, Alopecia areata is thought to be an autoimmune disease. The immune system makes white blood cells and antibodies to protect against foreign objects such…

Nothing to worry about Ramanjaneyulu garu. Thyroid hormones control the rate of many activities in your body. These include how fast you burn calories and how fast…

Hi Priya garu, Adenoids are masses of glandular tissue found in the back of the throat. They act to trap viruses and bacteria and are part of…

Hi Prathyusha, Acne is a skin condition that occurs when the hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. It causes whiteheads, blackheads or pimples.…

Hi Kiran garu, Aplastic anaemia is a serious condition affecting the blood, where the bone marrow and stem cells do not produce enough blood cells. It is…

Hi Pooja, Homoeopathy is one of the best options to cure Asthmatic Bronchitis without any side effects.  Asthma is an inflammatory condition that leads to tightening of…

Hi Suresh garu, Homeopathy is a relatively safe option to explore for naturally relieving  Asthma. Homoeopathy is one of the best options which is safe, gentle and…

Hi Sai garu, Bronchitis is inflammation and swelling of bronchial tubes, the tubes that carry air to the lungs. Acute Bronchitis is more common and  Symptoms last…

Hi Kavitha garu, Gastritis is an inflammation, erosion or irritation of the lining of the stomach leading to discomfort. It can occur suddenly (acute) or gradually (chronic).…

Hi Nithkesh garu, I’ll definitely give brief information about Bowen’s disease. Bowen’s disease is a type of skin cancer that affects the upper layer of the skin.…

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